Provision for income tax for 2016 for intuit
Provision for income tax for 2016 for intuit

  • At the time of filing a claim, you are not living in a nursing home and receiving Title XIX medical assistance.
  • If you live in public housing, you should check with your rental manager. Note: Property owned by a municipal housing authority is not considered tax-exempt for homestead credit purposes if that authority makes payments in place of property taxes to the city or town in which it is located.
  • You did not live for the entire 2021 year in housing that is exempt from property taxes.
  • Note: This limitation does not apply if you were 62 years of age or over on December 31, 2021.
  • You are not claimed as a dependent on someone else's 2021 federal income tax return.
  • (Persons who reside in mobile or manufactured homes or nursing homes that are subject to property taxes may also qualify to file a claim.
  • You own or rent your Wisconsin homestead that is subject to Wisconsin property taxes during 2021.
  • You (or your spouse, if married) are 62 years of age or older at the end of 2021.
  • You (or your spouse, if married, and reside in the same household) are disabled.
  • You (or your spouse, if married, and reside in the same household) have positive earned income during the year.
  • You have less than $24,680 in household income for 2021.
  • You are 18 years of age or older on December 31, 2021.
  • provision for income tax for 2016 for intuit

  • You are a legal resident of Wisconsin for all of 2021, from January 1 through December 31.
  • To qualify for homestead credit for 2021 you must meet the following requirements:

    Provision for income tax for 2016 for intuit